Institution Retirement Plan Evaluation
The PAL Project Retirement Plan Evaluation is designed to assist HBCUs in achieving their institutional objectives and meeting their ERISA fiduciary duties.
Endowment Building
The PAL Project Endowment Building Program is designed to address the endowment growth and management issues facing HBCUs by helping to strengthen and broaden the instistution's donor pool and assisting in establishing a culture of planned philanthropic gifting. The PAL Project utilizes innovative, cutting-edge strategies in fundraising.
Personal Financial Wellness
The PAL Project realizes that true success begins with a plan. We pour every ounce of our effort into developing, implementing and monitoring wealth management strategies that will help current and potential philanthropist meet their financial, lifestyle, and philanthropic goals.
Since 1993
Today's Crises
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are at a critical point in their history. The financial health of many of these cherished institutions has substantially diminished over the past few years.
HBCUs are not only an invaluable resource to the African American community, but to the nation as a whole. According to the 2008 UNCF Fact Sheet, HBCUs still produce 70% of all black dentists and physicians, 50% of all black engineers and public school teachers and 35% of black lawyers. There is little doubt that the demise of these essential components of our nation's higher education system would have detrimental consequences. The Philanthropy and Leadership (PAL) Project was developed to provide solutions to some of the major issues plaguing HBCUs today, such as declining financial support, changes to the financial aid system, and increased Department of Labor (DOL) regulations.

Next Step For Donors...
If you would like to explore the possibilities of planned philanthropy and perhaps strengthen your own financial situation, please click the adjacent button.
Next Step For Institutions...
For institutions who would like to explore opportunities to grow their endowment, foster an environment of giving, and improve retirement benefits, please click the adjacent button.